Видео подкаст

 Просмотрите видео и выполните предложенные задания:


Задание 1: You’re given some sentences with the missing words. After the first watching you are to fill in the gaps according to the video. 

1. In_______ William Shakespeare left his family and home in Stratford-upon-Avon.

2. Today is a_______ for finance, the arts and fashion. 

3. There were lots of people coming into the city looking_______                        .

4. In 1699 in ________the buildings that Shakespeare would have known were destroyed.

5. _______had a disagreement with the landowner of their theatre.

Задание 2: Find out which of the sentences are true or false.

William Shakespeare left his home in order to get education in another city.

Shakespeare’s father was a shoe-maker.

After ten years in London, Shakespeare became a famous writer.

The Chamberlain’s Men destroyed Shakespeare’s house.

Shakespeare did not stop writing until his death.


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