
Сообщения за март, 2023

Аудио подкаст

Прослушайте аудио и выполните задания:   https://youtu.be/1iHeeMlOsyc Задание 1 : You are given some words mentioned in the podcast. Try to guess their meaning and explain them. Photographic memory  Repetition  To suck at  The odds of  To memorise  Deep learning  Задание 2 : Answer the questions/ 1. According to Dr. Jared Horvath, what are two rules that explain how we remember information ? 2. Why is it essential to get enough sleep?

Видео подкаст

 Просмотрите видео и выполните предложенные задания: https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/general-english/video-series/shakespeare/london-1-piece-piece Задание 1:  You’re given some sentences with the missing words. After the first watching you are to fill in the gaps according to the video.  1. In_______ William Shakespeare left his family and home in Stratford-upon-Avon. 2. Today is a_______   for finance, the arts and fashion.   3. There were lots of people coming into the city looking_______                           . 4. In 1699 in  ________ the buildings that Shakespeare would have known were destroyed. 5. _______had a disagreement with the landowner of their theatre. Задание 2: F ind out which of the sentences are true or false. William Shakespeare left his home in order to get education in another city. Shakespeare’s father was a shoe-maker. After ten years in London, Shakespeare became a famous writer. The Chamberlain’s Men destroyed Shakespeare



Наглядность к занятию




Modal verbs - lecture

 Ссылка на лекцию представлена здесь

Modal verbs


Modal verbs - audio file


Modal verbs
